Sunday, September 19, 2010
Who Has? Coin Cards
The coin card deck provides practice for students to count coins and determine the amount pictured. Give each student a card and hand out any extras to better students, as the whole deck must be used. Allow students time to figure out the value of the coins on their cards.
Pick a student to start the game. The student reads the coins on his/her card. Because other students cannot see the coins on the card, it is important for the student to read the coins. For example, the student with the card pictured above would read: I have one quarter and two pennies. Who has 13 cents?
The student with the card that has a value of 13 cents would then answer. I have one dime and three pennies. Who has 32 cents. The game continues until the original student answers the question Who has 27 cents?
Classroom Management Suggestions:
Teachers can easily differentiate the game to accommodate varied ability levels by carefully distributing the cards, giving simpler coin combinations to struggling students so that they may successfully participate.
The game is designed to be an ongoing loop, so teachers may select any student to begin and the play will eventually come back to that student. All cards must be used to complete the loop.
In the beginning, teachers may find it helpful to follow the Who Has? Coin Deck Loop to easily monitor student responses. Teachers might ask the starting student to come to the front of the class to start. This way, it's easy to know when the play comes back to the starter.
Once students are proficient at this deck, start timing the class performance. Record the time on the board and challenge students to better their time the next day.The beauty of the Who Has? card decks is that students mentally check everyone's response, performing 20 calculations in the course of the game. Students enjoy the game more than completing a similar worksheet and they are strongly motivated to participate and give the correct answer in order to better the class time.
Download the Who Has? Coin Deck which may be printed onto 2x4 inch labels to affix to index cards to create an easy deck. Teachers may also print the cards on card stock and cut them apart to create a smaller deck.
If students are currently using coin antennas to determine the value of coin combinations, Mathwire has a deck for them. Download the Who Has? Coin Deck with Antennas to use with young learners. The game is played in the same way. The antennas are added as an appropriate modification for struggling learners. This deck is exactly the same sequence as the regular deck, so teachers could choose to insert the coin antenna cards only for struggling students.
Mathwire Who Has? Collection: Check out all of the card decks in the Mathwire Who Has? collection which includes addition, subtraction, multiplication facts, geometry, doubles, etc. The web page also details classroom management suggestions.
Small Group Play: Place extra decks in the math center. Allow 2-4 students to play the game in pairs or small groups. Students deal out the cards and place them face up in front of them on the table. The person to the left of the dealer picks any card to begin. He/she reads that card and then turns it over. The student with the correct answer reads his/her card and then turns it over. Play continues until all cards are turned over. The person who turns over all cards first is the dealer for the next round.
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