Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Domino Flash Game

Play Domino Flash to help your students master the domino (and dice) patterns. Each student needs a domino mat and counters. Teachers may use overhead dominoes or Domino Flash Cards (copied on card stock, and cut apart) for this game. 

Domino Patterns:  The teacher shows a domino for a count of 5-10 seconds, depending on the ability level of the students, then covers it. Students look at the domino as it is shown, then build the domino from memory, using a domino mat and counters.  The teacher circulates around the room as students work, to observe student performance. After some time, the teacher asks students to describe the domino they saw and how they remembered the patterns to build. Finally, the teacher shows the domino again so that students are able to self-correct. 

Fact Family Practice:  The teacher shows a domino for a count of 5-10 seconds, depending on the ability level of the students, then covers it. Students look at the domino as it is shown, then build the domino from memory, using a domino facts template inserted in a sheet protector.  Students use dry erase markers to write the fact family for the given domino.

Center Activity: make the Domino Flash Game materials available for students to play as pairs or triads at center time. Students love to rotate playing teacher for this game!

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